Dread History:
The African Diaspora,
Ethiopianism, and Rastafari
Nyabinghi Tabernacle, Jamaica
Contemporary Nyabinghi tabernacles like this one are modeled after churches
in Ethiopia. An African-oriented ritual known as Nyabinghi,
emerged as part of Rastafari culture in Jamaica during its formative period
in the 1940s (see terminology). These gatherings celebrate such dates
as the birthday of Haille Selassie (July 23, 1892), Ethiopian New Year (September
17), and Ethiopian Christmas (January 6). The term Nyabinghi was appropriated
from a African secret society (see terminology). Many African Americans
and West Indians who have become Rastafari outside Jamaica now make pilgrimages
to Jamaica to attend these island-wide religious ceremonies.
photograph by Jake Homiak, Smithsonian Institution