Family Folklore
How to Collect Your Own Family Folklore

We hope that the stories, photographs, and
accounts of traditions in this guide inspire you to collect the folklore
of your own families. But where does one start? Through the years we have
developed some guidelines, which may be adapted to your own needs and circumstances.
You might want to get started before the inspiration slips away and even
to jot down some of the stories and traditions this exhibition has brought
to mind.
Getting StartedThe
EquipmentThe PeopleThe Interview
Some Possible Questions for InterviewsPresenting
Your Findings
Ethics in InterviewingCredits & Further
This guide was produced to accompany the exhibition, The Grand Generation: Memory, Mastery', Legacy, organized
by the Smithsonian Institution Office of Folklife Programs and the Smithsonian
Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES). SITES is a program activity
by the Smithsonian Institution that organizes and circulates exhibitions
on art, history, and science to institutions in the United States and abroad.
To view other exhibitions by SITES, visit SITES
on the web. |