The purpose of the lessons in this issue is to introduce students to the office of the presidency and the informal process of electing the president. Related objects from Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History are featured, along with activities that encourage students to consider the powers of the presidency and the informal methods that have evolved to select candidates for America’s highest office.
Students learn about the powers of the president as set forth by the Constitution, read an electoral map, identify the role of political parties, and understand the role of the Electoral College. The lessons are supplemented by activity sheets that can be photocopied for students. Note: This is an archival publication dating back to 1996. Supplements and suggestions for off-site education were updated in 2007. Educational resource suggestions were updated in 2012. Download "Art to Zoo: Winning the Vote: How Americans Elect Their President" (PDF). Download "Art to Zoo: Winning the Vote: How Americans Elect Their President" Fall 2012 Edition (PDF). Visit an archival website version of "Art to Zoo: Winning the Vote: How Americans Elect Their President".