Catalog Information
Blanket, Coyote Cave, Coahuila, Mexico. This blanket was one of many items collected by Edward Palmer in Monterrey, Nuevo León, from Ignacio Galindo in 1880 for the Peabody Museum of Harvard and later exchanged with the Smithsonian Institution for ethnological material. Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, cat. no. A349238, acc. no. 00009642.
Dimensions: Approximately 74 in. x 50 in.
Technique: Warp-faced plain weave. Two pieces sewn together.
Thread Count: Warp=18/in.; Weft=12/in.
Fibers: 2-ply, plant fiber (probably Agave lechuguilla), dark brown, medium brown, and tan, Z-spin, S-twist.
Design: Patterned with stripes of different widths in dark brown, medium brown, and tan.
Comment: Extremely worn in many areas.