STS-56 crewmembers pose
for onboard (inflight) portrait on the aft flight deck of
Discovery, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 103. In front are
Commander Kenneth Cameron (left) and Mission Specialist 1
(MS1) Michael Foale. In back are (left to right) MS3
Ellen Ochoa, Pilot Stephen S. Oswald, and MS2 Kenneth D.
Cockrell. The crew is positioned next to the onorbit
station with the Earth's blue and white surface appearing
in overhead windows W7 and W8 above them. A 35mm camera
with a 20mm lens was used to expose this frame. (Real Audio 128 Kb)
One of my primary jobs on the shuttle is to handle the
science experiments and to make sure that they were
operating correctly. And in the film you will see a group
of experiments outside the shuttle in the payload bay
that are taking the measurements that I was referring to.
And one of the things
that had to be developed for us to operate from inside or
even from the ground is a way of connecting the data and
the power to the instruments in the bay so we don’t
have to go out and operate them.
And there was a
group from the German Space Agency as well as NASA that
got together and developed what they called a space-slab
system that allows any set of instruments no matter
what they are doing to let them be hooked into a
particular palette or piece of equipment that we take up
and then from the shuttle we are able to provide it with
power. We’ll be able to send computer commands to
the experiments and the experiments will be able to send
data back to us. And we can do that remotely, so that is
one thing that had to be developed for us to be able to
do experiments in space.
onorbit view of Discovery's OV-103's, payload bay with
ATLAS-2 pallet

During STS-56,
the Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science 2
(ATLAS-2) unpressurized spacelab pallet and its
experiment equipment was documented in the payload bay
(PLB) of Discovery, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 103. ATLAS-2
equipment and instruments include: the igloo (center
foreground, only the top is visible); the inverters and
pump package (far right); port conical scan sensor (next
to pump package at far right); the millimeter-wave
atmospheric sounder (MAS) antenna (dish-shaped device at
pallet center); the starboard conical scan sensor (small
cylinder at far left); and the atmospheric trace module
spectroscopy (ATMOS) (box behind conical sensor at far
left). Smaller ATLAS-2 instruments located in the center
of the pallet include (left to right): Active Cavity
Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM or ACR); Solar
Constant Instrument (SOLCON); Solar Spectrum Instrument
(SOLSPEC); and MAS (large box just below antenna). The
Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for Astronomy
201 (SPARTAN-201) is missing as it was in the midst of
separation from OV-103 when the photo was made. The
remote manipulator system (RMS) is deployed from its
location on the port sill longeron. The PLB aft bulkhead,
the vertical tail, and the orbital maneuvering system
(OMS) pods backdropped against the Earth limb complete
the scene.