STS-66 inflight crew portrait

On the Space
Shuttle Atlantis' flight deck, the six crew members pose
for the traditional inflight crew portrait. They include,
left to right in lower frame, astronauts Joseph R.
Tanner, mission specialist; Donald R. McMonagle, mission
commander; Scott E. Parazynski, mission specialist; and
Curtis L. Brown, pilot. Floating at top frame are Ellen
Ochoa, payload commander; and Jean-Francois Clervoy,
mission specialist, representing the European Space
Agency (ESA).
Ellen Ochoa works with ATMOS experiment checkout

On the Space
Shuttle Atlantis' aft flight deck, astronaut Ellen Ochoa,
payload commander, supports the Atmospheric Trace
Molecule Spectroscopy (ATMOS) experiment with a checkout
of a pair of 8mm video tape recorders. Note Atlantis'
addition of the lower body restraint device (left) used
to support crew members spending long periods of
stationary time at the aft flight deck.
(Real Audio 94 Kb)
One of my other
jobs on the two flights that Ive been on is to
operate the robotic arm that we have and maybe
youve seen that on TV, too.
We have a fifty
foot long arm that we can take up on the Shuttle and we
used it to display and retrieve a science satellite. This
arm is a lot like your own arm. It has a wrist, joint. It
has an elbow joint, and it has a shoulder joint. And we
can operate it in a variety of ways. The most common way
is that we have two hand controllers -- kind of like a
video game where were trained to operate the arm to
move all the joints at once so we can move from one
position to any other position by moving these two hand
controls. We can also operate it just joint by joint. So,
if we want to move just the wrist joint or just the
shoulder joint, we have a way of doing that.
payload on the STS-66 Shuttle Atlantis RMS Arm

Masses of
clouds over the Atlantic Ocean serve as the backdrop for
this close-up scene of the Cryogenic Infrared
Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmosphere (CRISTA),
attached to the Shuttle Pallet System (SPAS). CRISTA-SPAS
was in the grasp of the Space Shuttle Atlantis Remote
Manipulator System (RMS) arm. The crew deployed the
Crista-SPAS on November 4, 1994 and the tandem remained
in free-flight until November 12, 1994 when it was
retrieved by the Canadian-built RMS, controlled by
payload commander Ellen Ochoa.