Catalog Information
Band, Coyote Cave, Coahuila, Mexico. This band was one of many items collected by Edward Palmer in Monterrey, Nuevo León, from Ignacio Galindo in 1880 for the Peabody Museum of Harvard and later exchanged with the Smithsonian Institution for ethnological material. Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, cat. no. A045581, acc. 00009642.
Dimensions: 20.5 inches (folded and knotted) x 2.5 inches.
Technique: This is a two-piece band with one set of ends tied together (some of the braids have come undone). It is woven with a discontinuous warp.
Thread Count: Warp = 14/in.; Weft = 9/in.
Fibers: Warp = 2-ply, plant fiber (probably Agave lechuguilla), light brown, dark brown, and orange, Z-spin, S-twist. Weft = 2-ply Agave lechuguilla yarn, light brown, dark brown, and orange, Z-spin, S-twist.
Design: The bands have rectangular sections alternating in light brown, dark brown, and orange.