In the artist's words: "I took my easel and canvas and brushes to the top of the bluff, and painted two views from the same spot. These hills [were] five or six hundred feet high and every foot of them, as far as they can be discovered in distance, covered with a vivid green turf. From this enchanting spot there was nothing to arrest the eye from ranging over [the Missouri's] waters for the distance of twenty or thirty miles."
Quoted in William H. Truettner, The Natural Man Observed: A Study of Catlin's Indian Gallery (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1979), p. 247.
George Catlin was an easterner who had been fascinated with Native Americans since boyhood. When he was thirty-four years old, he decided that painting pictures of Native Americans would be far more interesting than being a lawyer. So, in 1830 he headed west. For six years, he moved from village to village, using the Missouri River as a means of travel. He painted portraits of tribal chiefs and scenes of buffalo hunts, dances, and other Native American ceremonies.
 George Catlin, River Bluffs, 1,320 Miles above St. Louis
 Smithsonian American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution. Gift of Mrs. Joseph Harrison,Jr.