Educators Smithsonian Education
The Smithsonian Institution and MIT present VANISHED, a science mystery game for ages 11-14. Throughout April and May 2011, players will utilize scientific thinking, solve online puzzles, consult with Smithsonian scientists, visit museums, and work online with other players throughout the country to crack the mystery.

What Your Students Learn
VANISHED seeks to counter stereotypes about scientists and encourage careers in science. In the game, the students do the real work of science: they hypothesize, investigate, and collaborate. The subject areas include astronomy, zoology, paleontology, climatology, environmental science, algebra, and even history.

The Part You Can Play
Parents and educators can encourage involvement in VANISHED by

  • setting aside computer time—at home, in the classroom, or in an afterschool setting
  • accompanying players to a museum for a live event
  • holding discussions, formal or informal, about the game and the progress the players are making
Learn more:

How to Register
Visit to sign up and play.

Is VANISHED a safe place for kids to be online?
Yes. Players must have their parents' permission to participate, and only logged-in players may post online or send messages as part of the game. We do not collect players' names or addresses; no personal information is shown to other players or the public. MIT staff members screen all online communications and postings, and so prevent information disclosure or inappropriate messages.

Can I sign up my class to play?
No. Only children ages 11–14 may play after parental notification. Teachers can sign up for Vanished, but as adults they may only participate in portions of the game (not data reporting or online forums). Teachers may wish to encourage their students and families to sign up. Check out how one classroom in Boston is using Vanished.

How much does it cost to play?
VANISHED is free!

What is required to play?
All a player needs is internet access and free installation of Flash Player. Museum visits are an option in the game, but are not required.

What are the time requirements?
One to five hours a week, not including museum visits. VANISHED is a "low-threshold, high-ceiling" game. Simple story summaries and engaging web activities make it easy to get involved. But the game also encourages deeper involvement and further exploration.

Artwork © Ruwen Liu, 2010

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