Our Views of Herps Present and Past 
Remember when Indiana Jones drops into a room full of writhing snakes?
It was a memorable scene from the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark,
designed to elicit visceral gasps of fear and revulsion. And it's one of
the best examples of something screenplay writers and others have known
for a long time: snakes and certain other herps have great "horror
appeal." The more movies and other media portray herps as creepy creatures,
the more people think of them that way.
Creature Features
Even before herps became typecast as horror-flick villains, they suffered
from a fundamental image problem. Most reptiles and amphibians just don't
have the cute and cuddly qualities of mammals or the graceful beauty of
birds. In fact, many herps seem almost alien, and therefore it's difficult
for people to relate to them. We tend to dislike and fear that which is
different from ourselves and even though herps have much more in common
with us than many people realize (see Herps and Humans
) they certainly look different. Picture a snake with its long,
limbless body and glassy eyes; a toad with its warty skin; an alligator
with its huge, gaping jaws. Remind you of any sci-fi films about creatures
from other planets?
The Threat of Danger
Another factor working against the popularity of herps is that some of
them are poisonous. It is true that certain herps produce some of the most
toxic substances found in nature, but only a relatively small number of
herps pose a threat to people. For example, fewer than 10 percent of snakes
have venom that can hurt a human. Still, many people are afraid of all herps
and assume that anything slithery, slimy, or scaly is either venomous or
dangerous in some other way.
Mummies and Sacred Snakes
Ironically, this basic fear of herps may have a lot to do with the positions
of honor they've held in different cultures around the world. Throughout
history, people deified those herps they viewed as a threat probably in
an effort to appease the animals and therefore lessen the damage they caused.
Crocodiles, powerful predators that are known to claim the lives of careless
swimmers and bathers, were sacred animals in ancient Egypt. Their mummified
remains are evidence of the respect Egyptians paid these animals. Cobras
were also worshipped in ancient Egypt; in India and other Hindu cultures,
these snakes are still considered sacred.
Living Symbols
Some herps, including many harmless species, were valued for their symbolic
significance. Consider the tortoise, an animal with a reputation for longevity
as some can live more than 100 years. In ancient Japan, wedding gifts portraying
tortoises were the givers' way of wishing the newlyweds a long and happy
life together.
The perception of what an animal represents isn't necessarily universal,
though. For example, what comes to mind when you think of a frog? To many
people, frogs are just lowly little creatures that live in swamps. But some
cultures view them differently. Because of their close ties to life-giving
water, frogs have been seen as symbols of fertility, birth, and crop growth.
For example, the Mayans believed that a frog named Uo was responsible for
the coming of rain. When the rain god heard Uo's call, he would sprinkle
water from his gourd onto the Earth.
Links with the Underworld
Opinions of herps took a turn for the worse in Judeo-Christian traditions.
For example, the Bible tells of a plague of frogs that overtook the city
of Ramses. But the Bible's most sinister portrayal of herps is the serpent
in the garden of Eden a scaly manifestation of evil from the underworld.
Actually, snakes had been associated with the underworld in non-Judeo-Christian
traditions for eons. But this association wasn't necessarily considered
evil. The world beneath the Earth's surface was the realm of Earth deities,
and snakes, with their underground dens and ground-hugging locomotion, were
thought to have connections to these powerful beings. Their link to the
gods and goddesses of the Earth meant that snakes were creatures deserving
of humans' respect. |