Herps Need Our Help
Sorting through the history of herps and humans can be confusing. On
the one hand, we have feared them, been repulsed by them, and viewed them
as the very incarnation of evil. At the same time, we've worshipped the
ground they've crept, crawled, and slithered on. But no matter what our
attitude toward them, one thing's certain: Herps are chronically misunderstood.
And this lack of understanding especially when it's combined with fear is
at least partly responsible for many of the problems herps face today.
Uses and Abuses
One of the problems facing herps is overexploitation. When it comes to
figuring out ways to make use of herps, humans certainly haven't had any
shortage of ideas. We serve them up in gourmet restaurants; trap them in
the wild to sell as pets, attractions in roadside exhibits, and specimens
for school science classes; and turn them into a vast array of products from
combs, jewelry, and other trinkets fashioned from sea turtle scutes (commonly
known as turtle shells), to shoes, belts, and handbags made from lizard,
snake, and alligator skins. In some cases, unregulated and illegal trade
cause herp populations to shrink dramatically.
As the Environment Goes, So Go Herps
Add to overexploitation the problem of worldwide environmental degradation
and you get a barrage of troubles that take a serious toll on reptiles and
amphibians all around the world. Many scientists think environmental degradation
is the likely culprit in the recent worldwide decline of frogs and other
amphibians. Some point to acid rain as a possible cause, while others theorize
that the depletion of the ozone layer may be letting in too much damaging
ultraviolet light. Amphibians may well be like canaries in a mine warning
us, through their sensitivity, of a general deterioration in the condition
of the planet.
Educate and Legislate 
Fortunately, there's some good news, too. The American alligator, for
example, is a herp success story. Because of a high demand for their hides,
alligator populations dropped to precariously low numbers in the 1960s.
But thanks to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, which prohibited harvesting
of alligators, the reptile population recovered.
People help reptiles and amphibians in other ways, too from building
tunnels so frogs can travel under (rather than across) busy roadways, to
setting up preserves where endangered herps live, to cracking down on wildlife
smugglers. But one of the most important ways to help herps is through education.
The more people understand these fascinating animals and the less they
fear them the better chance herps have of surviving. |