April 23, 1942
Dear Miss Breed,
I hope you will forgive me for not saying goodbye, and for not writing you sooner.
How is San Diego?
I find "camping life" very nice. We are all given a button which has a one, a two, or a three on it so that we may have our meals at certain hours. I having a one, eat breakfast from 6:30 to 7:00, lunch at 11:30 to 12:00, and dinner at 4:30 to 5:00. The food is simple, but delicious and wholesome. I did not have to cook or wash the dishes as there are many cooks and waiters in the cafeteria. I love cooking, but thank heavens I do not have to do the dishes! Since I have a two and a half months brother, I wash daily, and sweep out my barrack. About three times a week I iron the family’s clothes. There is really not much I may do in the afternoon, but get my exercise playing dodge ball, catch or softball. Once in a while, I type manuscripts for my friends, or write letters. I retire every night between 9:30 to 10:00 p.m. All lights should be out by 10:00 in each barrack.
I went over Louise Ogawa’s barrack and saw the two very interesting books you sent her. I certainly love books and miss going to the library every week; so I decided to write you a letter.
Florence is going to school daily from 2:00 to 4:00 and enjoys it very much. She tells me she misses going to the library and asked if I would write to you. She acquired her highest grades in reading, and she truly enjoys it.
I especially enjoy Dodd, Mead Career Books and would very much like to have any of the following books:
1. Shirley Clayton: Secretary by Blance L. Gibbs and Georgiana Adams
2. Judy Grant: Editor by Dixie Wilson
3. Marian-Martha by Lucile F. Fargo
4. Press Box by Robert F. Kelley.
If you happen to have any discarded books, Florence and I would certainly appreciate them.
Please keep up the good work in teaching children to read books for that is the pathway to happiness!
I am enclosing dolls that Florence made in school and some stamps.
Sincerely yours,
Florence and Margaret Ishino