Museums are unique community resources to be enjoyed by everyone. Visits to these treasure houses give families a special opportunity to spend time with their children in rich learning environments. And for children, the wonder of seeing the real thing in a museum often allows them to make the connection between the things they see and already know and what they are learning every day at home and in school.
For children and their families, museums provide a perfect opportunity to learn together. Exhibits carefully crafted by museum curators and other staff encourage thought, reaction, and reflection–look at the splash of color in that painting, explore the constellations of the universe from your chair in the planetarium, compose your own music on a synthesizer, or discover why a pendulum swings back and forth governed only by the laws of physics. So, plan a family adventure to take your children to a museum.
These websites will help you plan your visit.
Don't miss these popular Smithsonian Destinations!