Retratos: 2,000 Years of Latin American Portraits
National Portrait Gallery
Investigate portraits from the Precolumbian era to the modern period that suggest not only common artistic threads but also provide important insights into the social and political history of Latin America. Also available in Spanish.
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From the Andes to the Arctic: Celebrate American Indian Heritage through Music
Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Listen to tracks that illuminate the central role that music plays in American Indian culture and provides evidence of both difference and similarity across a hemisphere of Native peoples.
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Make the Dirt Fly! Building the Panama Canal
Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Investigate the building of the Panama Canal through the many challenges faced by engineers and work crews, from the project's official start in May 1904 to the canal's opening in August 1914.
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The Spirit of Ancient Colombian Gold
National Museum of Natural History
Access a bilingual PDF format teacher's guide that illuminates diverse regional and cultural traditions of Colombia between 500 B.C. and 1500 A.D.
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Canela Body Adornment
National Museum of Natural History
Learn how, among the Canela of Brazil, adorning
the body enhances appearance, signals changes
in social identity, and expresses culturally prescribed
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National Zoological Park
Visit the Amazon River Basin, where giant arapaima, pacu, red-tailed catfish, and piranhas swim in shallow water, and poison arrow frogs, titi monkeys, tanagers, a scarlet macaw, and a two-toed sloth inhabit the world above.
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World Tour of the National Zoo
National Zoological Park
Answer the questions for each continent. Photos of the animals and answers can be found on this website.
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Smithsonian Global Sound
Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Browse this database of music from around the world by geography, instrument, and culture group.
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