Carbons to Computers

Historical Timeline 1990-

Decade overview

In 1990, 57.5% of American women and 76.1% of men are in the labor force.

In 1990, 4 out of 5 clerical jobs belong to women.

In 1991, federal employee worker compensation costs for cumulative trauma disorders total $26 million.

In 1991, President George Bush signs a job discrimination bill requiring that hiring and promotion be related to job performance.

In 1991, Anita Hill submits an affidavit to the House Judiciary Committee stating that she had been sexually harassed by Clarence Thomas while working for him, between 1981 and 1983.

In 1991, the U.S. Congress creates the Glass Ceiling Commission to study problems in advancement in employment for women and minorities.

In 1992, Americans with Disabilities Act is passed.

In 1993, there are 4.9 million secretaries, stenographers, and typists in the United States.

In 1993, 7.6 million people work at home during normal business hours.

In 1994, forty-one million, or one-third, of the work force are self-employed in part-time, full-time, and second jobs.

In 1994, the nation's 3.5 million female secretaries constitute 98% of the profession. It is the largest job category for women.

In 1994, seven million Americans occupy fifteen million jobs.

In 1994, the Internet reaches nearly twenty-five million computer users (an increase from 213 registered computers in 1981).

Corporate milestones

Faxes that transmit color become commercially available
NCR launches the System 3125 NotePad featuring a cordless pen with "electronic ink"
NCR merges with AT&T
IBM builds working prototype of Leapfrog, a multi-functional computing device
On January 6, AT&T announces that it will start selling a mass-market videophone for about $1,500
In Iowa, $200 million 2,800-mile fiber-optic network completed connecting all 99 counties for broadcasting of college courses, communication among state agencies, distribution of lottery tickets, maintenance of voter registration lists, and linkage of libraries
BellSouth launches Simon, a mobile communications device


1900-1909 || 1910-1919 || 1920-1929 || 1930-1939 || 1940-1949
1950-1959 || 1960-1969 || 1970-1979 || 1980-1989 || 1990-


This material was generously provided by the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum.

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