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The Nation Expanding

Document 5
John C. Calhoun of South Carolina in his last Senate speech

California will become the test question. If you admit her, under all the difficulties that oppose her admission, you compel us to infer that you intend to exclude us from the whole of the acquired territories, with the intention of destroying, irretrievably, the equilibrium between the two sections. . . .

I have now, Senators, done my duty in expressing my opinions fully, freely, and candidly, on this solemn occasion. In doing so, I have been governed by the motives which have governed me in all the stages of the agitation of the slavery question since its commencement. I have exerted myself, during the whole period, to arrest it, with the intention of saving the Union, if it could be done; and if it could not, to save the section where it has pleased Providence to cast my lot, and which I sincerely believe has justice and the constitution on its side.


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$1 Bank Note, New York
National Numismatic Collection
National Museum of American History

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$50 Bank Note, Virginia
National Numismatic Collection
National Museum of American History

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