Blues Poems
by Hillside School Second Graders
Hillside, Illinois
Music teacher Laura Moglia asked her students to compose a blues stanza on any subject during a unit on musical styles.
The Money Blues
Sometimes I want to be rich
Sometimes I want to be rich
But anything I want costs all the money I get.
Sick at Home Blues
Mom won’t let me go downstairs and play
Mom won’t let me go downstairs and play
I try to sneak out, but she hears me anyway.
The Doctor's Shot Blues
I don't like shots, 'cause I know they're gonna hurt
I don't like shots, 'cause I know they're gonna hurt
I want to lock myself in my room and hide from the shots.
The Weather Blues
When it's hot outside, I want to be cold
When it's hot outside, I want to be cold
I'm singing about the weather, the weather blues.
The Homework Blues
Homework really drives me crazy after school
Homework really drives me crazy after school
I want to go outside and play instead.
The Bug Blues
I don't like bugs; they give me the creeps
I don't like bugs; they give me the creeps
When I see one on me, I scream and scream to my mom.
The Tattletale Blues
Tattletales, they always tell on me
Tattletales, they always tell on me
They make me get in trouble and make me really mad.
Suspension Blues
Suspension makes me feel so blue
Suspension makes me feel so blue
If I ever get suspended, I"ll cry and cry and cry.
-Daniel, Yessica , Marcos, Desiree, and Nicholas
The Cat Blues
Every day my cat runs away from me
Every day my cat runs away from me
But I trick my cat every day to grab him.
The Thief Blues
People are always taking my things
People are always taking my things
Why do they always steal my stuff?
-Danny and Chloe
The Morning Blues
I don't like crying in the morning
I don't like crying in the morning
Please go away, it makes me crazy.
 Hillside School Second Graders
Hillside, Illinois
Students performing their blues compositions.
 Hillside School Second Graders
Hillside, Illinois
Students composing their blues stanzas.