Middle School Poetry Example |

Blues Poems
by Milwee Middle Schoolers
Longwood, Florida
As part of a unit on the Harlem Renaissance, students of Kathy James read some of the blues poems of Langston Hughes and tried their hands at their own blues-stanza works.
Young Boy: Autistic and Smart
by a Big Sister
He’s a smart young boy,
But, oh so crazy.
He’s a smart young boy,
But, oh so crazy.
He never cleans his room
But he’s not really lazy.
Socially unacceptable,
In his own little world.
Socially unacceptable,
In his own little world.
This energetic boy
With his hair all curled.
Never going to grow up,
Just like Peter Pan.
Never going to grow up,
Just like Peter Pan.
My favorite little brother,
I’ll always be his biggest fan.
by Kathleen
The doorbell rings,
Such a surprise.
The doorbell rings
Such a surprise.
From the shadows
My father will rise.
He says he comes
With love and news.
He says he comes
With love and news.
But he said, this news
“I did not choose.”
He says she has cancer,
It hurts me so.
They say she has cancer,
God, it hurts me so.
Because I don’t want
My “mommy” to go.
Bullies Are Not Fun
by Allison
Bullies, bullies,
They push you around.
Bullies, bullies,
They push you around.
They do it for fun
But you need to stand your ground.
Grumpy people
Are not cool.
Grumpy people
Are not cool.
When they try to hurt you
There’re just acting the fool.
They push you around
Because of their low esteem.
They push you around
Because of their low esteem.
You shouldn’t think twice
All they know is how to be mean.
My Hair
by Julie
For those who have none,
I give them mine.
For those who have none,
I give them mine.
Growing and flowing.
Long and fine.
To Locks of Love,
I give my hair.
To Locks of Love,
I give my hair.
so please hair dresser
Treat it with care.
Give to them
What they have lost.
Give to them
What they have lost.
I send this loving gift
With hope and love, but no cost.
December Blues
by Fallon
In December,
Many years ago.
In December,
Many years ago.
I remember hearing my granddaddy scream
“Oh why, oh why, did you have to go?”
One day, only one day
Before Santa was to fill my stocking.
One day, only one day
Before Santa was to fill my stocking.
Why must the birds’ happy chirps
Be ever so mocking?
Grandma has gone,
Gone to the light.
Grandma has gone,
Gone to the light.
As Santa screams “Merry Christmas to all
And to all a good night.”
The Singing Blues
by Bob
I love to sing,
So I sing in the shower.
I love to sing,
So I sing in the shower.
I don’t like to sing on stage,
Sometimes I want to cower.
Singing is cool,
It’s my passion.
Singing is cool,
It’s my passion.
I love to sing
In a super star fashion.
I’ll sing for you
Anywhere, anytime.
I’ll sing for you
Anywhere, anytime.
Just tell me when
And I’ll sing you a rhyme.